My Plants

Author : Seven Souls

My Plant

Starting plant in the end of November rain........
With two plant, and more, and more, will more and more
Coz they grow up, they blossom.

They all need : ground, water, sunshine, fertilizer, and most caring
There is a plant need more water, there is a plant not enough strong with much sun,
there is a plant need a touch, there is a plant need to talk, there is a plant with strong root, there is a plant that very weak, but all very like if we care to them, just need to find out.
So we can handle in right way

Not all have flower, some so atractive with the leave.
Not all have good place, some on old pot.
Not all on pot, some on the land.
But all looks happy with their place.
Every plant is a team, when there is an old leaf, they covering bad influence can happen to young plant like to much sun, insect so it can became have nice place to grow

In the morning, butterfly come to visit them, sometimes enjoying there, sometimes put the child there, they look have nice friendship.

Tip of leaf grow, there is a beautiful feeling come to heart
The flower blossom, there is beautiful day
The fruit came, there is a a life there
Flowing special peacefull.

Tip of leaf grow, there is a beautiful feeling come to heart
The flower blossom, there is beautiful day
The fruit came, there is a a life there
Flowing special peacefull


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